An aggregate retail quarry servicing the Christchurch area. Providing quality product to contractors, developers and construction companies.
We offer a range of products at SOL Quarry and the list is continuing to grow. Aggregate available on a daily basis includes, but is not limited to:
AP20 Topcourse M420 (TNZ Grade) Screened soil
AP40 Topcourse M440 (TNZ Grade) Unscreened soil
AP65 Pitrun
If there is something not on this list that you would like to enquire about or you would like our price list, please let us know here.
At SOL Quarry, we are also pleased to say we can accept declared Cleanfill material, if this is something you would like to look into please contact us for more info.
SOL Quarries Ltd has a genuine commitment to environmentally responsible business practices, and undertakes regular internal environmental audits which ensure all SOL Quarries’ activities exceed the environmental standards specified as conditions in the resource consents.
The SOL Group of Companies operate state-of-the-art plant and equipment, which is maintained to ensure the aggregate products are produced in an efficient and effective manner, to client and industry specifications, including Transit NZ and Orion specifications where appropriate.