Health & Safety

SOL Group is serious about the safety of their employees and the public alike, especially with the large machinery we operate. The Health and Safety at Work Act (2015) came into effect in April 2016. The new law seeks to improve health and safety in New Zealand workplaces to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries suffered every year.

We have a designated PCBU, a ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’. This PCBU has the primary responsibility for people’s health and safety at work. In general this means they must ensure the health and safety of their workers; any other workers they influence or direct; and other people who could be put at risk by the work carried out, for example, customers, visitors or the general public.

Our workers take reasonable care of their own health and safety, and reasonable care that others are not harmed by something they do or don’t do. They also follow any reasonable instructions given to them by the PCBU, and cooperate with any reasonable health and safety policy or procedure.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us and we will be happy to discuss them with you.